Nghĩa của từ emplace|emplaced|emplaces|emplacing bằng Tiếng Anh


[em·place || ɪm'pleɪs]

put into a place

Đặt câu với từ "emplace|emplaced|emplaces|emplacing"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "emplace|emplaced|emplaces|emplacing", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ emplace|emplaced|emplaces|emplacing, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ emplace|emplaced|emplaces|emplacing trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Time required to emplace the Boulder Bathylith, Montana; a first approximation @article{Knopf1964TimeRT, title={Time required to emplace the Boulder Bathylith, Montana; a first approximation}, author={A

2. Proterozoic Anorthosites were emplaced during the Proterozoic Eon (ca

3. The granite Batholiths were emplaced more than 10 km subsurface into the overlying gneiss and sedimentary rocks

4. Minefields and picket lines of cruisers, torpedo boats, and submarines were also emplaced there to defend Wilhelmshaven.

5. Observations show that the ARIC was probably emplaced as a series of synvolcanic sills prior to the earliest deformational event.

6. The lower (younger?) thrust emplaces Precambrian basalts and tuffaceous siltstones (Coldbrook Group) over alluvial sediments of the Boss Point and Tynemouth Creek formations (Westphalian A–B).

7. Greene's troops were assigned to the mission of seizing the strategic islands and silencing long range coastal batteries thought to be emplaced there.

8. Several official U.S. military histories identify the location of the eastern defenses of the Lunga perimeter as emplaced on the Tenaru River.

9. The Batholith was emplaced during a small part of the period of regional eastward thrust faulting of miogeoclinal and foreland-basin strata over the cratonic crystalline basement

10. Other Bridging systems maintained, constructed, and inspected by the 132d Engineers include the improved ribbon, dry support, and rapidly emplaced military bridges, as well as civilian bridges.

11. The late granite dike suite, comprising late-stage, muscovite- and biotite-bearing quartz – alkali feldspar pegmatite and finer grained granitic lithologies, represents the last magmatic event in the Northern complex emplaced after collision.

12. (3) A late-tectonic quartz syenite – quartz monzonite – granite (SMG) series was emplaced from ~2685 to 2675 Ma, and is grossly similar to the TGGM but has lower CaO/(K2O + Na2O) and greater concentrations of Rb, Ba, Th, and U. (4) A late-tectonic to posttectonic alkali feldspar syenite – alkali feldspar quartz syenite (SS) series was emplaced from 2680 to 2670 Ma, and occurs along regional strike-slip structures.

13. As the ships worked their way into an area between Corregidor and Carabao Islands, Japanese shore batteries emplaced on those islands and on Caballo began to lob shells at the minecraft and their escorts.

14. Marine divisional artillery, consisting of both 75mm and 105mm guns, pre-targeted locations on the east side and sandbar areas of Alligator Creek, and forward artillery observers emplaced themselves in the forward Marine positions.

15. While Aerostats, aloft over their FOBs, are incredible leverage in attacking the network simply focusing on attacking the device and killing the insurgent emplacing it is a very narrow way to utilize Aerostats and can easily become the default practice

16. A suite of alkaline lamprophyre dikes emplaced in centers I and II rocks of the Coldwell alkaline complex is composed of camptonites with calcite ocelli, camptonites with quartz macrocrysts, amphibole camptonites, monchiquites, and sannaites.

17. An earlier caldera was filled with lava flows starting from 43,000 years BP; two pyroclastic eruptions occurred later and formed the Black Sands and Brown Tuff formations, the last of which was emplaced between about 3890 BC and 800 AD.

18. Uplift rates, based on fission track dates, suggest that fractionation leading to mildly peralkaline soda granite took place in crustal reservoirs emplaced at depths of 2.5–4.5 km below the surface and that additional enrichment in alkalis took place at still shallower depths.

19. Amygdules or Amygdales form when the gas bubbles or vesicles in volcanic lava (or other extrusive igneous rocks) are infilled with a secondary mineral such as calcite, quartz, chlorite or one of the zeolites.Amygdules usually form after the rock has been emplaced, and are often associated with low-temperature alteration

20. The cryolite ore body occurs within the original top part of a stock of alkali granite which, during the younger time of the cratonic Gardar period, was emplaced into the older, folded basement rocks. Close to the granite stock a breccia pipe occurs. Both bodies were cut by tinguaitic dykes before the actual “mise en place” of the cryolite body.

21. Allochthonous salt is defined as a “subhorizontal or moderately dipping, sheetlike salt diapir emplaced at stratigraphic levels above the autochthonous source layer” (Hudec & Jackson, 2011).There is no hard cutoff for salt to qualify as Allochthonous: an overhanging upper part of a diapir grades into a subhorizontal salt sheet, which is an Allochthonous salt body, sourced by a single

22. A variety of volcaniclastic facies are recognized on the basis of bed geometry, sedimentary structures, and textural characteristics, and include: thinly bedded tuffs and lapillistones that were deposited by fallout from vertical ash columns (some tuffs contain accretionary lapilli and hence originated from subaerial eruption columns); pillow talus deposits (hyaloclastites) resulting from the rapid quenching of lava in water; volcaniclastic turbidites representing relatively deep-water resedimented tephra; and a single massive pyroclastic flow that was emplaced during a single depositional event, and may have been derived from a Plinian eruption or series of Surtseyan eruptions.